bobliu | |
等级:新兵 |
帖数:80 |
金钱:420 |
Y 币:1 |
注册:2008-12-23 |
The minimum number of points required to measure each feature is: ARC........................3 CYLRADSEGMNT....6 LINE.......................2 SPHERE................. 4 CIRCLE...................3 EDGEPT....1 (exactly) PARPLN................. 4 SPHRADSEGMNT.. 4 CONE......................6 ELLIPS....................5 PLANE....................3 SYMPLN................. 6 CONRADSEGMNT...6 ELONGCYL.............9 POINT.......1 (exactly) TORUS................... 9 CPARLN..................5 GCURVE.................2 RCTNGL................. 9 TORRADSEGMNT.. 9 CYLNDR..................6 GSURF....................3 REVSURF............... 6 A minimum number of nine points are required to measure a right rectangular prism, RCTNGL: three points for the first plane (primary), two for the second (secondary) and one point for each plane thereafter. Refer to (Figure B.8 ! Constructed rectangle).